Communication, Email Writing, Learning English What About Swearing? If you are like the majority of our TextRanch customers, English is not your first language. You may have devoted…
Communication Holiday Greetings for Tough Times As the owner of a business that prepares tax returns for both individuals and small companies, Ana sends out a…
Communication, Email Writing, Writing Writing to Your Child’s Teacher (Part Two) For the most part, Lucia’s three children are doing well at their new school. They are making friends and keeping…
Communication, Email Writing, Writing Writing to Your Child’s Teacher (Part One) As the mother of a five-year-old girl who recently started kindergarten, Ashley is amazed at how much school has changed…
Communication, Email Writing, Writing Formal vs. Informal Writing: What’s the Difference? You may have noticed some new features at TextRanch lately. In place of our old menu of options, you can…
Communication, Grammar, Writing Confused About “In” and “At”? If English is your first language, you probably don’t spend a lot of time thinking about the difference between prepositions…
Business, Communication, Email Writing, Writing When Symbols Replace Words (Part Two) In our previous post, we looked at some symbols that are often used in place of written words. We highlighted…
Business, Communication, Email Writing, Writing When Symbols Replace Words (Part One) If you’ve spent any time at all on social media, you have seen posts where symbols are used in place…
Communication, Editing, Grammar, Writing When Is it Okay to Use Contractions? A contraction is a shortened version of two or more words that have been joined together to form one word….
Business, Communication, Email Writing, Writing When Should You Capitalize Job Titles? Our last article showed you when to capitalize names of schools, companies, and other places. This time, we are going…