Communication, Grammar, Writing Context: It Matters! (Part One) Context is the background, details, or circumstances that surround a written work, similar to the way a neighborhood surrounds a…
Communication, Grammar, Writing Using a Word Twice in the Same Sentence True or False: It is not grammatically correct to use the same word twice in the same sentence. False! Yes,…
Grammar, Writing Too Many Conjunctions: When a Sentence Goes On and On and On… Conjunctions are both helpful and necessary. These are the common, mostly short words that connect phrases and clauses within a…
Communication, Grammar, Writing Comma Splices: When a Comma Is Not Enough The meeting will start at 10am, everyone must be there on time. The equipment is in the storage shed, I…
Artificial Intelligence, Communication, Miscellaneous, News, Writing Should You Use AI to Generate Your English Content? (Part One) AI seems to be everywhere these days! It’s nearly impossible to avoid seeing ads for AI services, funny images created…
Communication, Writing 2023: A New Year, A Fresh Start A new year is a time for making resolutions and setting goals to improve ourselves in some way. Some people…
Communication, Email Writing, Writing Holiday Greetings in the Workplace (Part Three) In the first part of our series on holiday greetings in the workplace, we focused on why it’s important to…
Communication, Email Writing, Writing Holiday Greetings in the Workplace (Part Two) Are you confused about holiday messages in the workplace? If so, you are not alone! Last time, we explored why…
Communication, Email Writing, Grammar, Writing Is it Ever Okay to Use an Incomplete Sentence? Sure. In Certain Contexts. In three of our recent articles, we looked at different kinds of incomplete sentences and ways to correct them. (Click…
Communication, Email Writing, Grammar, Writing Incomplete Sentences, Incomplete Thoughts A sentence can still be incomplete, even if it has a subject and a verb. In two of our previous…