Business, Communication, Email Writing How to Write a Formal Thank-You Email Henry is a law school student who just landed a summer internship at a prestigious international law firm. One of…
Communication, Email Writing, Writing Holiday Greetings in the Workplace (Part Three) In the first part of our series on holiday greetings in the workplace, we focused on why it’s important to…
Communication, Email Writing, Writing Holiday Greetings in the Workplace (Part Two) Are you confused about holiday messages in the workplace? If so, you are not alone! Last time, we explored why…
Communication, Email Writing Holiday Greetings in the Workplace (Part One) In many parts of the world, the months of November and December are known as “the holiday season”. It is…
Business, Communication, Email Writing “You Guys”: Inappropriate for the Workplace? Would you guys like to grab some lunch before the meeting? Hey you guys, what happened to the coffee machine?…
Communication, Email Writing, Grammar, Writing Is it Ever Okay to Use an Incomplete Sentence? Sure. In Certain Contexts. In three of our recent articles, we looked at different kinds of incomplete sentences and ways to correct them. (Click…
Communication, Email Writing, Grammar, Writing Incomplete Sentences, Incomplete Thoughts A sentence can still be incomplete, even if it has a subject and a verb. In two of our previous…
Communication, Email Writing, Grammar, Writing Incomplete Sentences: When the Verb Is Missing Every sentence needs both a subject and a verb or else it isn’t a complete sentence. We have already looked…
Communication, Grammar, Writing Incomplete Sentences: When the Subject Is Missing At TextRanch, it happens every day… If we were to make a list of the most common writing mistakes that…
Business, Communication, Email Writing Salutations: How to Greet Someone in an Email (Part Two) In a recent post, we looked at salutations and gave examples of how to properly greet someone in an email…