Grammar, Writing How to Use There, Their, and They’re There, their, and they’re… These three words are homophones, which means that they sound the same, even though they have…
Grammar, Writing Ask an Editor: A New TextRanch Feature! At TextRanch, we understand that sometimes you have questions about words, phrases, and the principles of English grammar. Maybe you…
Communication, Grammar, Writing Confused About “In” and “At”? If English is your first language, you probably don’t spend a lot of time thinking about the difference between prepositions…
Grammar, Writing Understanding “Since” “Since” is an incredibly versatile and useful word. Depending on the sentence, “since” might be used as an adverb, a…
Grammar, Writing The Ever-So-Helpful Hyphen We mentioned hyphens in our last article, but they are so often used (and misused) that they deserve an article…
Business, Communication, Email Writing, Writing When Symbols Replace Words (Part Two) In our previous post, we looked at some symbols that are often used in place of written words. We highlighted…
Business, Communication, Email Writing, Writing When Symbols Replace Words (Part One) If you’ve spent any time at all on social media, you have seen posts where symbols are used in place…
Editing, Proofreading, Writing Proofreading vs. Editing: What’s the Difference? Tam has written an essay for a political science course that she is taking at her local community college. This…
Communication, Editing, Grammar, Writing When Is it Okay to Use Contractions? A contraction is a shortened version of two or more words that have been joined together to form one word….
Artificial Intelligence, Editing, Writing Human Editors: Why Do You Need One? Omar has just landed a great job at an international business that manufactures parts for medical devices. Sometimes he has…