Grammar, Learning English

In Regards To: Definition, Synonyms, How to Use It

In regard to your email dated April 25, 2024…

In regards to your email dated April 25, 2024…

Do you know which of the above phrases is correct? If you aren’t sure, you are not alone. Many people find the prepositional phrases “in regards to” and “in regard to” confusing. This article will help you understand which one is the correct phrase and how to use it. We will also examine some similar phrases and offer alternate suggestions.

Prepositional phrases

“In regards to” and “in regard to” are both prepositional phrases. These phrases function the same way as a preposition and are followed by a noun (or pronoun), introducing the subject that is being discussed or considered. It provides your reader with a little introduction to the information you are about to give them.

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So which one is correct—”in regards to” or “in regard to”? Or are they both correct?

Before we go any further, let’s make one thing clear. The correct version is “in regard to”, not “in regards to”.

According to, “in regard to” means concerning or regarding something. This phrase is used to introduce a topic or subject in both American and British English. It is worth noting that “in regard to” is more often used in British English than in American English. Americans are more apt to use the incorrect form (“in regards to”) or “regarding”. A similar phrase, “with regard to”, is also sometimes used. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves—we will look at similar phrases in a moment.

Using “in regards to” instead of “in regard to” is a very common writing mistake. In fact, it’s so common that oftentimes the reader doesn’t notice it! Although it is okay to say “in regards to” during a casual conversation, be sure to use the correct form in daily email communications or any type of formal writing such as an academic paper. Remember, the correct spelling is “in regard to”.

“In regard to” vs. “in regards to”: Quick and Dirty Tips

When choosing between “in regard to” and “in regards to,” it’s important to know which is more accepted in formal and “business casual” writing. Language experts from Quick and Dirty Tips recommend always using “in regard to.” Here’s why:

  • “In regard to” is preferred because it is the traditional form used in professional and academic writing.
  • “In regards to” is often considered a mistake and can appear unprofessional in formal documents.
  • “In regards to” is a common error influenced by similar-sounding phrases.
  • “In regards to” is considered too casual for professional writing.

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How to use “in regard to”

Here are some example sentences to show you how “in regard to” is used in professional or formal writing:

In regard to your request, we will send the tax forms by next Monday.

A meeting has been scheduled in regard to the transition to the new office building.

I need to speak with my supervisor in regard to my annual performance review.

In regard to the email from Takeshi, please ensure that he has everything he needs to complete the PowerPoint slides.

Synonyms and similar phrases

Sometimes you might want to use another phrase instead of “in regard to”. Perhaps you are writing an email or paper where you have already used “in regard to” and you don’t want to sound too repetitive. Maybe you feel that you need a different phrase in order to match a certain style of writing. Below are some good alternatives:

  • Regarding: Regarding your thesis, I should have some feedback for you before our next class.
  • Concerning: I received an email from Reza concerning our meeting in Abu Dhabi.
  • As for: As for our lunch with the marketing team, it has been postponed until Friday.
  • With respect to: We have some concerns with respect to your ambitious sales projections.
  • Pertaining to: I will be sending you some information pertaining to Mr. Wilson’s legal case.

What about “with regards to” and “with regard to”?

You may be familiar with these two phrases, as they are used in ways that are similar to the ones mentioned above. Like “in regards to”, “with regards to” is incorrect and should only be used in casual speech, not in professional writing. Whether you are using “in” or “with”, the correct form is “regard”, without the “s” at the end.

Is there an actual difference between “with regard to” and “in regard to”? Can they be used interchangeably? In terms of a difference in meaning, there really isn’t one; the two phrases are pretty much the same. However, there is a slight difference in terms of formality, as “with regard to” is more casual than “in regard to”. On a practical level, “with regard to” is okay for most everyday communications, but not for highly formal writing.

Comparison in foreign languages

It can be tricky to understand how phrases such as “in regard to” and “with regard to” work in the English language, especially for those who are not native speakers. In many foreign languages, prepositions might not change regardless of context. This differs from English, where prepositional phrases can be versatile. For instance:

  • In Spanish, “en cuanto a” translates to “in regard to” and is used similarly, but it does not change form.
  • In French, “concernant” or “en ce qui concerne” are used much like “regarding” or “in regard to,” and they remain consistent across contexts.

This comparison can help non-native English speakers understand the flexible nature of English prepositions and phrases, making it easier to grasp their appropriate usage in various contexts.

Some examples of how to use “in regard to”, “with regard to”, and “regarding”

While these three common phrases are often used interchangeably, each one works best in certain contexts. Here are some examples to illustrate proper usage and to clear up any confusion.

1. In Regard To: Use it when you are introducing a specific topic or subject in a more formal tone.

In regard to your application, we will make a decision before the end of the month.

I am requesting additional documentation in regard to your 2023 income tax return.

2. With Regard To: This is best used when referring to something specific in a less formal (e.g., “business casual”) context.

With regard to this week’s Zoom call, could you let me know which time works best for you?

Mila isn’t sure what to do with regard to ordering food for the company picnic.

3. Regarding: This is a versatile alternative that works well in both casual and formal contexts; it is more often used in American English than British English.

Do you have any updates regarding my visa application?

Regarding the delivery schedule, I will check with Miguel and get back to you.

“Send my regards” or “Send my regard”?

Now we will look at some instances where “regards” is part of a correct phrase rather than the singular form, “regard”.

“Send my regards” is a phrase you can use when you are sending greetings or good wishes to someone (or to a group of people) through another person. It can add a personal touch to your messages and it helps maintain good personal and professional relationships. Note that the words “greetings”, “wishes”, and “regards”—” are all plural. “Send my regard” is not commonly used and can be confusing.

Here are a couple of examples that you might find in an email:

I look forward to having Ahmed join us for lunch next week. Please send my regards to him.

Please send my regards to your whole team.

In addition to the above, “Regards”, “Best regards”, and “Warm regards” are some common closing salutations that can be found at the end of emails and letters. Here is an email example:

Dear Maya,

Thank you for sending the files. I will give you some feedback tomorrow.

Best regards,


You might also be familiar with the classic George M. Cohan song, “Give My Regards to Broadway”. Here again, “regards” is the correct form. Evidently, a single “regard” to Broadway is not enough!

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Throughout this article, we have explored how to correctly use “in regard to” and its alternatives. If you are an English language learner, it’s a good idea to practice with these phrases. It will help you feel more confident in your language skills.

If you’re still unsure about how to use “in regard to” and related phrases, or if you need help with specific sentences, click the blue button below or consider using TextRanch’s “Ask an Editor” service. Our experts are ready to provide personalized advice and help you perfect your English writing.

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