“My team members don’t have time to take English classes!”
Ellen is the CEO of a mid-sized green technology company that employs a diverse team of talented professionals, several of whom are not native English speakers.
The company offers innovative, environmentally-friendly products and services, but Ellen has noticed that communication issues are holding her team back.
“Everyone does okay with spoken English,” Ellen explained.
“Spoken English doesn’t have to be perfect, and if someone doesn’t understand something, they can clear it up right on the spot. But we’ve been running into a lot of problems with written English. My team members keep making writing mistakes in the emails and reports they send to each other.”
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These mistakes have resulted in a lot of confusion and misunderstandings which required follow-up emails, phone calls, and even in-person meetings. This, in turn, has led to delays in getting projects completed on time. For client-facing documents, Ellen either checks them herself before sending them out, or else she hands them over to one of the native English speakers on the team.
“But Nigel is an engineer, not an editor,” said Ellen. “He can fix mistakes like double negatives and run-on sentences, but he can’t really polish up the writing to make it sound better. That’s just not his thing.”
Nigel has started complaining that having to check his team members’ writing is taking him away from the work that he needs to be doing.
“So here again,” said Ellen. “The writing problem is slowing us down.”
Ellen knows it’s time to make some changes. “I have a client who arranged for his employees to take English classes in their office building,” she said. “That’s a neat idea, and it seemed to work well for the people at that particular company. But that isn’t feasible for us—our team members are spread across three different sites.”
Ellen has also thought about having her team members take English classes at the adult education center or a community college. “But that would be a major expense for my company,” she said. “Plus, nobody has time to go back to school. At any rate, it would take months—or maybe even years—for their English writing to get to where it needs to be.”
Clearly, Ellen is becoming increasingly frustrated.
“We need a solution that will fix these issues right now.”
TextRanch for Business can help!
Are you in a situation like Ellen’s?
Are your team members outstanding when it comes to doing their jobs, but they need help with their written English?
Are you too busy to edit all those emails, reports, and documents yourself?
Do you need professional proofreading for your business communications?
Are you looking for someone who can not only fix spelling and grammar mistakes, but also polish up the writing so it sounds more engaging?
Do you have a “Nigel” on your team who is getting tired of being asked to fix other people’s writing?
Or maybe you are the “Nigel” and you’re looking for a solution that you can recommend to your boss.
In today’s fast-paced business world, clear and effective communication is more important than ever. As a CEO, you are undoubtedly aware that your company’s success depends not only on the ideas you generate, but also on how well your team members can convey those ideas in writing.
Awkwardly written emails, reports, and presentations can lead to misunderstandings, delays, and missed opportunities like they did for Ellen’s team. Ultimately, all of this can have a negative impact on your bottom line.
You may have noticed that even the most talented professionals can struggle with writing in English. Perhaps they are English language learners, like Ellen’s employees. But they might also be native English speakers with dyslexia, ADHD, or other learning differences. They might even be proficient writers who are simply too busy to give their messages and documents the attention they deserve.
That’s where TextRanch for Business comes in. We specialize in helping companies like yours improve their team members’ written English. Whether it’s checking email communications for typos and grammatical mistakes, polishing up reports, or ensuring that presentations are professional and compelling, our English experts are here to help.
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Proofreading Services?

Exclusive benefits for businesses
To support business leaders like Ellen who need to enhance their team’s English communication skills, TextRanch is offering an exclusive package tailored specifically to companies.
- With a TextRanch for Business account, any member of your team can use our service whenever they need it.
- We offer different pricing tiers which start at $100 a month.
- You can set a maximum spending limit to avoid any surprises.
- Your team members can use both our Quick Text and Document services.
- Our TextRanch editors are real humans—not robots—who will check your team members’ writing for typos, fix mistakes in grammar and spelling, improve phrasing, and ensure that they are using a professional tone.
- Our editors are located in different time zones around the world, so we are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
If you’re ready to elevate your team’s English communication skills, click the blue button below. You can also contact us via this link.
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Proofreading vs. Editing: What’s the Difference?
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How can I improve my understanding of native-English speakers? Part 1