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Miscellaneous, Updates

New prices starting July 12th 2022

Thank you for being a valued member of the TextRanch community! Since we first launched our site in 2016, we’ve grown into a company helping millions of visitors every single month.

Our promise to our customers has always been to provide the best online editing service at the very lowest prices possible. To that end, we have not changed our pricing structure since July 2020.

Over the past two years, we have continued to build a more robust site that offers you more services than ever before. We’ve added even more editors to our team, lowered waiting times, and continued to offer free daily credits to all our customers.   

We have avoided making further changes to our pricing structure for as long as we could, but to ensure our editors continue to be paid a fair wage, we will be increasing our prices and restructuring our credit packages on July 12, 2022. 

The credits in these new packages will expire one calendar year after purchase. The oldest credits in your account will always be the first ones used when you submit text. We did very careful research to ensure that this change will not have a negative impact on any accounts. 

Although the pricing for these packages will be a little higher, please rest assured that our new credit packages will still offer you lower pricing than any other online editing service. We look forward to continuing to help you perfect your English every day.

-The TextRanch Team

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